Travel diary: Santorini

When I was younger, I would look at the pictures of the beautiful Cyclades island and imagine myself on a romantic dinner, overlooking the Caldeira. Of course, when I turned 25 years old, I convinced myself that I had to experience this vision. I booked my flights and, in September 2015, realised a life-long dream of visiting Santorini alongside my love. Here are a few places we experienced.

When you think of Santorini, the first thing that pops into your mind is the classic blue church roofs and breath-taking views. Those are located in the village of Oia on the north-western part of the island. This animated town is the number one destination for newlyweds and tourists for a reason. The narrow streets, filled with high-end shops and beautiful white-painted hotels, makes this part of the island very special. If you go to Santorini, you definitely can't miss Oia. 
The archipelago's capital is far from being a boring town. It is the cultural and economical center of the island. This highly perched village is offering breathtaking views of the Caldeira and a large variety of shops. Even though it has many museums and archaeological sites, Fira is mostly known for its young crowd and cool bars. But even if you are not a party animal, such as myself, you can still appreciate the active town by sipping a glass of a local vineyard while looking at the Mediterranean sea.
3.Red Beach
Even though Santorini isn't renowned for its beaches, it is home to some amazing natural rock formations. The red beach, taking its name from the vibrant color of the rocks forming the cliffs, is one of the most popular spot for tourists. It is accessible by a short hike on a hill overhanging a strand of ochre pebbles. It might not be the best place to get your tan, but you can practice snorkelling among the uniquely coloured rocks.
Located at the other extremity of the island, the antipode of Oia is a small and calm village with loads of potential. Akrotiri stands out from the other towns with its historical village of Goulas, dating back to the 14th century. Now a destination for all the Greek history fans, Akrotiri keeps its traditional charms with perky taverns and fruit stall vendors. If you are feeling particularly adventurous, rent a car and go watch the sunset over the Agean sea, you won't regret it.
One of the nautical activity you should try in Santorini is taking a small cruise to the famous Caldeira. While explaining the history of the active volcano, the captain will take you to the Agean sea and explore underground hot springs around the volcanic formation. And don't forget to hop on a donkey on your way up from the port to Fira.
I never would have thought that in a thousand years Santorini would be more beautiful in real-life than in pictures. Exploring this beautiful island made me realise how much our planet has to offer, no matter where you are. We definitely enjoyed our time there and will be back soon enough.

The little traveller's boots

New Year Resolutions

I feel like every new year, we make resolutions we intend to keep, but forget them as the year goes by. I am guilty of making vague and unattainable objectives that I regret latter on. So in 2017, I decided to get it together and set goals that I wish to attain by the end of 2017. The process might be long and filled with hardships but I intend to keep those resolutions. 1. Run a half-marathon Almost everybody's plan is to get healthier. Whether it is about fitness or nutrition, we all have the same goal. Here is the thing: I can't have that Victoria's Secret angel figure if I don't change my habits.  Trying to blindly attain a certain body type won't give me a better quality of life. During the process of reaching a goal, we all have to go through a questioning process; Why I am doing this? What motivates me? Why am I stalled? What can I do to help myself?  Deciding to run a half-marathon isn't new to me, I have been running for quite a while. I first did a 5k run, then a 10k and, now, a half-marathon. Set concrete goals that are attainable and you will succeed.
2.Get better at photography Whether it is on social media or simply for fun, I love taking pictures of different subjects. Each year, when I look back at my photographs, I can't help but notice the mistakes I made. And each time, I feel like my skills got slowly better, but never enough. I wouldn't see myself as a perfectionist, but I would like my photography to get to a certain level. So this year, I decided to treat myself to a new camera, and maybe a photography class. I sincerely hope you will like the results.
3. Think positively It is no secret that 2016 was rich in amazing experiences, but also quite sad in some parts. This year, I lost a person that was very dear to me. Even though it is part of life, it got me thinking negatively for a while. What got me back on track was thinking that this person wouldn't want me to be sad. This year, I set the goal to stay positive. It might sound corny and, to some people, unrealistic, but I strongly believe there is a bright side to almost everything.

4. Put myself out there more It is so easy to be behind the camera or behind the computer screen and post beautiful pictures with cute captions. But, putting yourself out there for the world to see, whether it is your face or your personal thoughts, isn't easy to do. This year, I decided to show more of myself, get more personal and step out of my comfort zone to show you a different side of me. My interests are various and I hope to show them to you on the blog during this upcoming year.
5. Spend time on myself Working full time as a nurse and part-time as a blogger can take the majority of my time (if not all) and, for the little time that was left, I would spend it with my family and friends. This year, I decided to take care of myself more. I will prioritize those moments alone with myself when I need them. I will work on myself to make me feel good in my own skin. I will cry if I want to cry, I will laugh if I want to laugh and I will take time off to relax. This doesn't mean I will barricade myself and live as an hermit. On the contrary, I will see my family and friends when I want to and have a great time, because I will be the best version of myself.
I know these resolutions might reach some of you and some not at all, but I hope it made you reflect on yourself and your 2017 goals. Remember that there are a lot of ways to reach your objectives and that mistakes were made to open new doors.

The little traveller's boots

Pictures location: Stoneham, Québec

5 amazing places to visit in Bali

During spring 2014, two of my close friends and I parted ways as they went on a south-east Asian backpack trip for several months. When they left, we promised to see each other on my next vacation. Since that vacation was in may, I joined them as they were touring Indonesia. I was thrilled! I had seen all the beautiful photography of Bali on the web and I couldn't wait to see it with my own eyes. Right before I left, I broke the bank, bought a brand new camera and shoved it in my backpack. It was the longest flight of my life, but was definitely worth it. During my 3 weeks' vacation, we toured many places. Some had been on my bucket list for a long time, others I discovered should clearly be on yours. Without any further due, here are five amazing places you should visit in Bali.

This beautiful village is so much more than the classic rice paddies pictures. It is the cultural and religious center of Bali. If you are interested in the Balinese history and the insulars' various religions, make sure you pay a visit to Ubud. You will find heartwarming habitants and a delicious gastronomic heritage.
2.Uluwatu temple
If you are afraid of monkeys, beware! Still, Uluwatu is a breathtaking place to go. The temple, located right at the edge of a cliff, offers a view over the Indian Ocean. Experienced surfers also come to this place to catch the insane Balinese waves.
3.Batur Volcano
If you are looking for the hike of your life, mount Batur should be your pick. Guides often offer a full day hike, including an egg breakfast baked on volcanic rocks, while catching the sunrise. While being now dormant, the volcano once had an eruption which destroyed most of the surrounding villages. From the top, you can see the "lucky temple", sole survivor of this incident, and Lombok island, floating in the Indian Ocean.
4.Pendawa Beach
With its crystal clear waters and endless white sand beaches, I am still wondering why the tourists didn't invade this place. The locals clearly see this place as their little heaven, since it is impeccable.  I would recommend bringing a good book, for after swimming in the ocean, you will want to bathe in the Indonesian sun.
5.Batukaru temple
Located in the center of the island, this temple is on the foot of a sacred volcano and the Balinese consider it the protector from evil spirits. This huge temple, though worshippers are still present, is regularly frequented by local tourists, especially during the Balinese holiday. Most temples aren't accessible to the visitors, because they are still a site of worship, but you can walk freely around the main attractions. If you are a nature lover, I highly recommend visiting this sacred place. You will leave feeling zen.
Even though all of these five places are splendid, Bali has much more to offer to any type of traveller. I hope you have the opportunity to visit this rich island on your future travels and if you do, take this chance to visit the sites I mentioned.

The little traveller's boots

Ireland 2016

My adventures in beautiful Ireland during september 2016